Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New in the Boss world SaadesBoutique.com

So I been trying to enjoy the sun and get tanned of course that's the way to go:) So summer is right around the corner soo excited Well its practically here!!! My bathingsuit of choice for the week is:
 And Dress is 
 And Im selling these:) To the highest Bidder. Its been real y'all stop by again:) to see the latest at SaadesBoutique.com:)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

 Ok Ok, so Im update listening to the BEyonce station knowing I got to get up and go to work tomorrow at 7:30 Yes  that early it sucks I know so tierd of work I dunno what to do vacation is coming soon for me though. :) So that's a booster gotta think of things to smile about or will be frowning for days to come:) Let me leave you with one of my fav picts over the weekend and some memory picts:)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

 Photography, So right now its 1:42 am goodness yes I can't sleep just one of them nights, listening to Bey, Love her voice so soothing, I love her channel  on my internet radio that's all Im listening to right now. You know I'm really praying for you all with allergies, its tuff out here, well anways I have taken up a new passion in photography so here are a couple of my photo's i'm loving:)

Monday, March 5, 2012

 Wuzzup all my lovely people out there today is Monday, yes it is but it doesnt have to be a drag, lets take this time to reflect on the winter months and what us bosses are doing to improve ourlives and ourself. Everyone is indeed a boss if you believe then u can achieve that is a proven fact. Anways I was taking webcam pictures over the weekand and I had a great time I was able to create some intresting images with the help of ELAN Boutique dresses I was having a ball. Well my loves sit back relax and Enjoy the PICTURES.. Ps I will also show you SaadesBoutique bestseller suits from feb-march:)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hey bloggers it's late well early in the morning around 2:33 and I was just thinking i need blog more like really so yes lets start, Im listening to BEy's we like to party, Love this song makes me feel in a content mood, yeppers, Omg Love on top just came on absolutely love this song:) My Fav.. Normally I draw:
Or do something else creative with my time but right now music flow is good with me. Oh yea been meaning to talk to you all about yoga. I love yoga it really helps stretch your body and maintain a good equilibrium when your going about the day. I take my health very seriously you only get one body right so take care of it and I am a strong believer of Cherrios lol.
YES I love white wine did I mention to good:) lol Can't wait to make it to a vineyard yes indeed! Anways My hair color miss my blonde but its about to be darker on sat so yea thats life:) Natural girl flow. I miss summer too:) Well spring is right around the corner too My fav time of year wahh KOOL! Just thinking....... What the heck happened to my MJ shirt? Dang all these clothes lol I'll find it  ( content tweet) One of my dave pictures!!! Wind Blowing I call it lol. PICASSO 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New York Fashion Week..

SO I had a marvelous time during fashion week it really turned into a site seeing adventure for me because my hotel was right by the trade center and we went all over the city from Manhattan to Queens it was really fantastic, I love the fast pace of NYC, it seemed like each restaurant was full it was hilarious Im like well looks like there is never a dull place to eat. But it was really a lot of fun! Take a look at some pictures! Sit back and Relax:)
Until later I will see you soon and try and go to NYC when its warm lol!.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Nail Fetish and Wedding Plans

So yea the nailfetish I love and Wedding plans well not mines silly, but a wedding I'm going to in Tennese in May I need some ideas of what to wear matter of fact I have so knowledge of what I am going to wear. I don't know why but I got the blues baby. Im so loving this color I put my nails blue so here is a peak at my nails thanks for looking at the blog this week enjoy!

BCBG Skirt with a nice top and Killer Heels Im really loving:)