Hey, I was going through my closet. And seen my Cute Tangerine Orange Dress for Fall/ Winter, this was a classic! So I was like this looks real cute on my skin for today. So then I paired it with the think leapard belt bc it gave it life and the same spots on the belt were of the dress that that was cute! But yea So the Strech Paints are of very nice material an go all the way down the legs Important! If I were to wear that out 4 real! Then The Boots with the Gold Clasps I think set it off love that and the Egyptain Necklace Love that too Got that from the African Smits museum about 4 years ago. And barely wear it so it was nice to wear it today:) Ok Enjoy the Look of the Outfit of the day HOW U FEEL? - Sboss01.
PS Sorry for the Camera Quality had to use my sis cam, mines is in the shop....
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